WINTER FIELD DAY Website Address:
SUBJECT: Winter Field Day Results, See the Gallery for event pictures
* Operators/ loggers…..7
*ARRL sections logged….49 out of 70
*Canada sections logged…4
*Bands operated…80, 40 and 20 meters
*Category….1I, One station, Indoors (EMA Trailer)
****TOTAL SCORE….7560
Talk in was on:
> 146.85 MHz, (91.5 Hz) repeater
>> 441.00 MHz, CC1, TG 99, TS 1 DIRECT DMR
Winter Field Day operations:
January 27-28, 2018 (1400 hrs) Saturday and (1400 hrs) Sunday
Field Day chairman KK4DID
Winter Field Day Location:
Edgefield City Police and Fire Station
402 Main Street, Edgefield, SC 29824